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Flying Bull

School Council

Our School Council act as the voice of our students at Flying Bull.  They meet once a month to discuss developments within the academy, and regularly represent it at events.

Yr1 Daveen and ,Izaan Yr2 Poppie and Iris, Yr3 Leyla-Rae ,Mercy and Lexi-Lou , Yr4 Christopher and Dakota-Rain  Yr5 Evie-Blue ,Tommy and Sophie Yr6 Deborah and Laverne.

Our focus for this year has been Citizenship and the Environment.

Click here to see what we got up to!

View our Presentation here!

Our final visit was from our new MP for Portsmouth North,  Amanda Martin, who kindly took time out of her busy schedule to pay the school a flying visit and meet with the council.  They really enjoyed their chat.

Children`s Quotes...

"I enjoyed the cake sale, especially selling the cakes. We raised money for Hampshire Paws .I also enjoyed being part of PCoPS and meeting children from other schools."

 Dakota Yr4

"My favourite thing for this year is everything because it is so fun! i especially liked meeting the MP, and also visit to the play centre."

 Daveen Yr1

"My favourite thing about being school council was the play centre because there was a fire!!  We were evacuated to a safe place and watched 3 fire engines come."

 Poppie  Yr2

"My favourite thing about school council is everything"

Christopher Yr4

"I love the school council. It is very engaging. My favourite was going to the D-Day celebration event. It gave us bits of cool and imaginative information. I am glad I got elected for school councillor!!!

Laverne Yr6

"My favourite thing of school council is helping to raise money for Hampshire Paws, I enjoyed the listening dog visiting the school"

Iris Yr2

"My favourite thing in the school council was helping to design posters and having a cake sale,.I really enjoyed selling the cakes and felt confident talking to people"

Lexi-Lou Yr3

"My favourite thing as a school councillor is everything! It has been amazing.I enjoyed the cake sale,we all tried and worked so hard and when  stand up for school council and have to speak up to my class i am proud of myself ".

Layla Yr3

"i have enjoyed my year as a councillor,it has been fun and helped me with my communication and socialising skills (which i`m not the best at) but the school council helped me be myself and socialise a lot more ."you should give it a try"

"My favourite part was planning and being part of the cake sale it got me out of my comfort zone".

Sophie Yr5

"I enjoyed doing the cake sale the most because it encouraged me to talk to the people that go to this school and their adults. Being in the school  council has given me the confidence to speak in public and in front of a whole school" assembley.

Evie-Blue Yr5

" i have enjoyed being a school coucillor,I especially enjoyed going to the D Day celebrations and wearing my cadet uniform."

Tommy Yr5

"I enjoyed this year when we did some litter picking and the cake sale because i liked eating the cakes and having the experience of selling stuff.I also liked going to PCoPS and meeting the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress.I am proud that i can speak in public".

Mercy Yr3

"I have enjoyed being school council, my favourite visit was the adventure playground and seeing the fire engines and the cake sale."

Izaan Yr1

"Throughout the school council year, the most thing i enjoyed was the cake sale because it helped me with my ability of speaking to other people."

Deborah Yr6

It has been an amazing year for school council, all the children have made a contribution whether it be enthusiasm, knowledge or leadership. Every visit we have been on they rose to the occasion and were a credit to the school. I couldn`t have been more proud of all of them .I hope that they take away all their new skills and use them, Even Evie- Blue who can now use a broom the right way round !!!

The cake sale was an enormous success the council worked exceptionally hard organising and running this event, with the help of Sam Cleare from Pompey in the Community, the sale raised £221.30p for a local animal charity.

Mrs Metcalfe

It's been a pleasure being involved with the School Councillors this year. They have been a credit to the school on all the trips we have been on.

I wish them the best for the coming year and maybe see them on the team again next year.

 Mrs Churchill