Curriculum Overview
The Flying Bull Curriculum:
To read a summary of the learning for the term ahead for your children please click on their Year Group tab.
Please click here to see the timetable of assemblies for the Spring Term.
To see the Curriculum for Reception please click here.
To learn more about the topics that are covered in each year group (from Year 1 to Year 6) at The Flying Bull Academy and the opportunities that are available to the children throughout the year, please click on the subject names below:
Design and Technology 21-22
(Including Food Technology)
LIFE 21-22 - Living in the wider world, Interpersonal relationships, Fitness, health and wellbeing, Economics and enterprise (previously known as PSHCE)
ROB 21-22- Respecting Other's Beliefs (previously known as Religious Education)
If you have any further questions, please speak to your child(ren)'s teacher or the Head/Deputy Headteacher.