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Flying Bull

Autumn Term in Upper Key Stage 2

This term in Upper Key Stage 2 we have been focusing on settling into our new year groups and adjusting to our new work. 

In Y5, the children have been learning about Ancient Greece, learning about their religion and legacy. Children in 5W have been working with Pompey in the Community, which will change to 5B after half-term.

In Y6, we welcomed parents in for our first workshop of the year in Maths and enjoyed writing about the eruption in Pompeii. As part of our science learning, the children visited QE Country Park to learn about classification. Back in school, the children took part in some cooking, making their own adaptions on a bolognese recipe.   


Next half-term, Y5 will be continuing to learn about Ancient Greece with the opportunity to make their own Greek pot and participate in some cooking. 

In Y6, children will learn about the circulatory system and how our blood works. We welcome parents in for our science workshop, where we will be investigating the heart.