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Flying Bull

A Huge Thank You to The Friends of Flying Bull

Over £4000 raised for the school last year

We are very grateful to all of the Friends of Flying Bull for their work in raising money for the school. Without their work many of the things the children are so lucky to enjoy at school, simply would not be possible.

Their fundraising work at Christmas, Easter and Summer Fayres and at school discos contributes so much to the Flying Bull community and we are very lucky to benefit so much.

If you are interested in joining the Friends please contact the school or email - 

Here are just some of the things that the money raised went to pay for:

Water bottles for all children for the last 2 academic years - £1152

A new set of chairs for the hall (seats used for productions etc.) - £1005

Repairs to the pond in the environmental area and for it to be restocked - £400

Communication in print - Software to support SEND children - £500

Visits from our Patron of Reading: Ali Sparkes - £500

Christmas Show for all children and crackers for Christmas dinner - £372

We look forward to seeing everyone at the Christmas Fayre on Friday 6th December.